Anytown Delegate and Staff Applications are online!

Applications for Anytown Faculty (staff) and Anytown Delegates (participants) are still available on our website.

NCCJ St. Louis is celebrating Anytown's 25th anniversary this year, and it is as crucial as ever that we build strong leadership for inclusion, equity and social justice.  

In the aftermath of the 2016 political campaigns, we have seen spikes in reported acts of intolerance, hate, and violence, directed at people of color, religious minorities, immigrants, women, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. The Southern Poverty Law Center reports that most of these are happening in schools and on college campuses, meaning they are taking a heavy toll on our children and youth, and reports of these have taken place in schools across the region.  

NCCJ calls on public, charter, parochial, and independent schools across the region to help us build leadership to bridge differences and foster inclusion and equity.

Anytown helps young people think critically and understand the dynamics that perpetuate conflict around these identities. At Anytown, staff train students to use concrete skills to interrupt those dynamics in their schools, neighborhoods, and peer groups. Following Anytown, students become part of a network of empowered young people in our ALLY program, where they receive additional support and training to sustain the hard work of pursuing social justice.

Please join us at Anytown, building a better region for all of us, not just some us.