

Christina Meneses, MSW, CDFT

Professional Development Program Manager

As Professional Development Program Manager, Christina Meneses oversees the program that prepares candidates to become certified as FaciliTrainers, trained to create and lead opportunities for learning on diversity, inclusion, and equity in their corner of the community.

In her full-time job, Christina Meneses is the Community Education Supervisor at the YWCA Women’s Resource Center. Over the last 15 years, she has spoken to tens of thousands of students, professionals, and community members on issues related to child sexual abuse, sexual harassment, rape, healthy relationships, and the prevention of sexual violence. Most recently, she has joined the YWCA Sexual Health and Disability Education (SHADE) program, which provides sexuality education to individuals with disabilities as a component of preventing sexual abuse against this population.

Christina also teaches Social Justice and Human Diversity at the Brown School of Social Work at Washington University.